Singing Sands Beach

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Located on the west shore of the Bruce Peninsula, the Singing Sands Beach at Dorcas Bay has sand flats, wooded dunes and a picnic area. The gradient of the beach is so shallow that bathers can walk out for hundreds of metres.

Singing Sands Nature Reserve is one of the best places in Ontario to see rare flowers such as the rare Ram's Head orchid and Showy Lady's Slipper.  44 species of orchids grow on the Bruce Peninsula. Other unusual plants that grow in the wet fens are Indian Paintbrush and the caniverous Pitcher Plant, which derives much of its nutrients by eating insects that fall into its jug like "mouth". These flowers will only grow in very specific habitats created by the fens, alvars and dunes which are located in this region. 

The park recently had a huge upgrade, with a larger picnic area and parking area and a fantastic boardwalk. 

Please be respectful of the nature in this area. Stay on the boardwalk. DO NOT pick any flowers or plants from this area. Do NOT litter. Please use the garbage cans, and if they are full, take your garbage with you. 

This park fills up fast in the summer. Consider visiting in Spring or Fall. 

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